Pablo siempre compartía habitación con su hermano mayor. No había noche en la que la oscuridad de la noche le hacía creer que unas extrañas y aterradoras sombras le querían llevar con ellas al otro lado lleno de tinieblas.
Esa noche, como todas las anteriores, obligó a su hermano, Richard, revisar toda la habitación para asegurarse de que no hay nada fuera de lo normal. Alumbró el armario con una linterna para mirar todo no había nada más que ropa y otros tantos juguetes que ni tan siquiera podían mover algo sin tirar nada fuera de él; debajo de la cama estaban más que seguros que no había nada ya que eran cajones llenos de más trastos y ropa de verano, entre otras cosas; por la ventana, sí vivían en un quinto piso, pero a Pablo le aliviaba que Richard mirase por si acaso algún ser del inframundo fuera tan poderoso y listo como para poner una escalera hacia su ventana sin que nadie más en el edificio se enterase. No había nada como Richard le aseguró antes de empezar a mirarlo todo, nada, pero era la única manera de convencer a Pablo para que se fuera la cama y por él, su hermano mayor hacía cualquier cosa que le pidiera.
Aquél día tuvieron gimnasia y después partido de fútbol más juntándolo con el colegio estaban agotados así que se durmieron al instante de entrar en la cama. Durante la noche, a las 3:33 am Pablo abrió los ojos, se levantó un poco para ver la hora, miró alrededor casi con los ojos cerrados y volvió a tumbarse, siempre se despertaba a esa hora desde hacía meses, pero mientras repasaba con su mente lo que acababa de hacer se percató de que no estaba todo en orden, del armario salía una luz, una luz muy brillante, abrió los ojos del todo y cuando se acostumbraron a aquella iluminación se quedó perplejo mirando hacia la puerta de su armario. Era imposible, la linterna estaba en la mesita al lado de su cama, no podía estar en el armario, entonces, ¿Qué iluminaba aquél armario?, Pablo no sabía que hacer, no tenía el valor para levantarse, pero quería saber que pasaba, en cambio, se tapó con las sabanas y cerró los ojos fuertemente diciendo "no es real, no es real"
A la mañana siguiente, Pablo se levantó sin que le tuvieran que llamar, fue a despertar a su hermano, pero vio que no estaba "¡maldita sea, se va a comer todas las tortitas!", exclamó Pablo mientras corría a la cocina, pero allí no había nadie, ni en el salón, ni en la habitación de sus padres, su familia no estaba por ninguna parte. Cogió un paquete de galletas y se puso a ver la tele, pero tampoco había electricidad, todo empezaba a torcerse. Cogió un libro, las galletas y se sentó en el sofá.
Pasaban las horas y nadie llegaba a casa, se percató que no escuchaba ningún ruido, todo era silencio, demasiado silencioso para ser sábado cuando todos los vecinos salen y entran alegres por el portail y la vecina siempre hacía sonar sus tacones como si no supiera que molesta a los del piso de abajo. Pero no se escuchaba nada, ni un sonido de coches, ni un sonido de voces, ni un sonido de tacones, ni perros ladrando, ni gatos maullando, nada.
Se animó a salir a la calle solo, pocas veces lo hacía, siempre iba con su hermano o su madre o todos juntos, pero se dirigió a la tienda donde compra el pan todos los días por si sabía algo o si tenía luz, simplemente, necesitaba ver a alguien conocido que le tranquilizara y le dijera que no pasaba nada. Llegó a la tienda, pero ésta estaba cerrada, llamó a su amigo del colegio que vivía al lado, pero nadie contestó, ahí fue cuando se dio cuenta que no había ni un alma en toda la calle, los coches permanecían aparcados como los dejaron la noche anterior, estaba solo, solo en una ciudad enorme, asustado y solo.
Pablo decidió volver a casa y no salir de allí en todo el día, llegó la noche y se metió en la cama, como si nada hubiese pasado, como si al abrir los ojos volviera todo a la normalidad. Una vez dormido, se despertó como siempre a las 3:33 am abrió los ojos miró a su alrededor y ahí estaba, la luz de su armario, pero esta vez cogió la linterna y decidió acercarse allí.
Cuando se acercó la luz se hizo muy fuerte y el destello le cegó, cuando ésta cesó y pudo abrir los ojos estaba en medio de la nada dentro de un bosque, encendió la linterna que llevaba en la mano y avanzó despacito, estaba muy asustado. De repente, empezó a escuchar unas voces, eran muchas, pero entre ellas pudo distinguir las voces de su madre y su hermano. Se guió por ellas y le llevaron hasta una cabaña, allí estaban todos, toda los habitantes de la ciudad se encontraban en aquél lugar al otro lado del armario atrapados en cabañas.
De entre las sombras surgió un enorme ser maligno que lo agarró con sus garras y lo arrojó en el interior de la cabaña dónde se encontraba su familia, le contaron a Pablo que el día anterior todos fueron a mirar la luz del armario y así fue como acabaron atrapados en aquél oscuro lugar habitado con unos enormes seres oscuros y ellos, ellos eran su alimento.
Paul always shared the room with his older brother. There was no night in the darkness of the night that made him believe that strange and frightening shadows wanted to take him with them on the other side full of darkness.
That night, as all previous forced his brother, Richard, check around the room to make sure there is nothing out of the ordinary. Lit the closet with a flashlight to look around there was nothing but clothes and many other toys that you could not even move something without throwing anything away from it; under the bed were more than confident that there was nothing as they were drawers full more toys and summer clothes, among other things; Paul made Richard to look for the window, yes, they lived in a fifth floor, but Richard relieved that Paul looked there just in case anything from the underworld being so powerful and clever to put a ladder up to his window without anyone else in the building would know it. There was nothing like Richard assured him before he start looking at everything, nothing, but it was the only way to convince Paul to go his bed and his older brother would do anything that he ask.
That day, they had gymnastics and a soccer game after fusing it with the school were so exhausted and they fell asleep instantly get into bed. During the night, at 3:33 am Paul opened his eyes, got up a bit to see the time, looked around with the eyes almost closed and lay back, always woke up at that time for months, but as he reviewed with his mind what he had saw he just realized that not everything was in order, from the closet came a light, a bright light, opened the eyes of all, and when his eyes got used to that lighting was perplexed looking at the door of his closet . It was impossible, the flashlight was on the table beside his bed, it could not be in the closet, then what was the light from the closet?, Paul did not know what to do, did not have the courage to stand up, but wanted to know what happened, however, he covered him with the sheets and closed his eyes tightly, saying "it's not real, is not real"
The next morning, Paul got up without having to awake him, he went to wake his brother, but saw that he wasn't at bed "damn, he will eat all the pancakes!" exclaimed Paul as he ran to the kitchen, but there was no one in the kitchen, in the living room or in the room of his parents, his family was not anywhere. He picked up a packet of biscuits and began to watch TV, but there was no electricity, everything began to go wrong. He picked up a book, cookies and sat on the couch.
The hours passed and no one came home, he realized that was not hearing any noise, all was quiet, too quiet for a Saturday when all the neighbors come out and happy for the portail and the neighboring heels that always sounded as if she not knew that disturbs the downstairs. But Paul, not hear anything, no sound of cars, no sound of voices, no sound of heels, no dogs barking or meowing cats, nothing.
He was encouraged to go out alone, rarely did it, he always went with his brother or mother or all the family together, but he went to the store to buy bread like every day all that he wants to know is if the shopgirl knew anything or had light simply he needed to see someone known to reassure him and tell him that everything is going okay. He arrived at the store, but it was closed, he called his school friend who lived near, but nobody answered, that's when he realized that there was not a soul in the whole street, the cars remained parked as they left the last night, he was alone, alone in a huge city, frightened and alone.
Paul decided to go home and not get out of there all day, it was night and he got into the bed, as if nothing had happened, as if when to open his eyes everything is going to back to normal. Once asleep, he woke up as usual at 3:33 am, opened his eyes looked around and there it was, the light of the closet, but this time he took the flashlight and decided to approach there.
When he approached the light became very strong and the flash blinded him, when the light turn off, he could open his eyes and he can see that he was in the middle of nowhere in a forest, lit the flashlight that he brought in his hand and he walked slowly, was very scared. Suddenly, he began to hear voices, were many, but among them he could make out the voices of his mother and brother. He was guided by them and led him to a cabin, there they all were, all the habitants of the city were in that place on the other side of the closet trapped in the cabins.
From the shadows emerged a huge evil being grabbed him with its claws and threw it inside the cabin where his family, they told Paul that the day before they all went to looking at the light of the closet and that's how them ended up trapped in that dark place inhabited by huge dark beings and they, they were their food.
Anur Strigoyu
Pablo decidió volver a casa y no salir de allí en todo el día, llegó la noche y se metió en la cama, como si nada hubiese pasado, como si al abrir los ojos volviera todo a la normalidad. Una vez dormido, se despertó como siempre a las 3:33 am abrió los ojos miró a su alrededor y ahí estaba, la luz de su armario, pero esta vez cogió la linterna y decidió acercarse allí.
Cuando se acercó la luz se hizo muy fuerte y el destello le cegó, cuando ésta cesó y pudo abrir los ojos estaba en medio de la nada dentro de un bosque, encendió la linterna que llevaba en la mano y avanzó despacito, estaba muy asustado. De repente, empezó a escuchar unas voces, eran muchas, pero entre ellas pudo distinguir las voces de su madre y su hermano. Se guió por ellas y le llevaron hasta una cabaña, allí estaban todos, toda los habitantes de la ciudad se encontraban en aquél lugar al otro lado del armario atrapados en cabañas.
De entre las sombras surgió un enorme ser maligno que lo agarró con sus garras y lo arrojó en el interior de la cabaña dónde se encontraba su familia, le contaron a Pablo que el día anterior todos fueron a mirar la luz del armario y así fue como acabaron atrapados en aquél oscuro lugar habitado con unos enormes seres oscuros y ellos, ellos eran su alimento.
Paul always shared the room with his older brother. There was no night in the darkness of the night that made him believe that strange and frightening shadows wanted to take him with them on the other side full of darkness.
That night, as all previous forced his brother, Richard, check around the room to make sure there is nothing out of the ordinary. Lit the closet with a flashlight to look around there was nothing but clothes and many other toys that you could not even move something without throwing anything away from it; under the bed were more than confident that there was nothing as they were drawers full more toys and summer clothes, among other things; Paul made Richard to look for the window, yes, they lived in a fifth floor, but Richard relieved that Paul looked there just in case anything from the underworld being so powerful and clever to put a ladder up to his window without anyone else in the building would know it. There was nothing like Richard assured him before he start looking at everything, nothing, but it was the only way to convince Paul to go his bed and his older brother would do anything that he ask.
That day, they had gymnastics and a soccer game after fusing it with the school were so exhausted and they fell asleep instantly get into bed. During the night, at 3:33 am Paul opened his eyes, got up a bit to see the time, looked around with the eyes almost closed and lay back, always woke up at that time for months, but as he reviewed with his mind what he had saw he just realized that not everything was in order, from the closet came a light, a bright light, opened the eyes of all, and when his eyes got used to that lighting was perplexed looking at the door of his closet . It was impossible, the flashlight was on the table beside his bed, it could not be in the closet, then what was the light from the closet?, Paul did not know what to do, did not have the courage to stand up, but wanted to know what happened, however, he covered him with the sheets and closed his eyes tightly, saying "it's not real, is not real"
The next morning, Paul got up without having to awake him, he went to wake his brother, but saw that he wasn't at bed "damn, he will eat all the pancakes!" exclaimed Paul as he ran to the kitchen, but there was no one in the kitchen, in the living room or in the room of his parents, his family was not anywhere. He picked up a packet of biscuits and began to watch TV, but there was no electricity, everything began to go wrong. He picked up a book, cookies and sat on the couch.
The hours passed and no one came home, he realized that was not hearing any noise, all was quiet, too quiet for a Saturday when all the neighbors come out and happy for the portail and the neighboring heels that always sounded as if she not knew that disturbs the downstairs. But Paul, not hear anything, no sound of cars, no sound of voices, no sound of heels, no dogs barking or meowing cats, nothing.
He was encouraged to go out alone, rarely did it, he always went with his brother or mother or all the family together, but he went to the store to buy bread like every day all that he wants to know is if the shopgirl knew anything or had light simply he needed to see someone known to reassure him and tell him that everything is going okay. He arrived at the store, but it was closed, he called his school friend who lived near, but nobody answered, that's when he realized that there was not a soul in the whole street, the cars remained parked as they left the last night, he was alone, alone in a huge city, frightened and alone.
Paul decided to go home and not get out of there all day, it was night and he got into the bed, as if nothing had happened, as if when to open his eyes everything is going to back to normal. Once asleep, he woke up as usual at 3:33 am, opened his eyes looked around and there it was, the light of the closet, but this time he took the flashlight and decided to approach there.
When he approached the light became very strong and the flash blinded him, when the light turn off, he could open his eyes and he can see that he was in the middle of nowhere in a forest, lit the flashlight that he brought in his hand and he walked slowly, was very scared. Suddenly, he began to hear voices, were many, but among them he could make out the voices of his mother and brother. He was guided by them and led him to a cabin, there they all were, all the habitants of the city were in that place on the other side of the closet trapped in the cabins.
From the shadows emerged a huge evil being grabbed him with its claws and threw it inside the cabin where his family, they told Paul that the day before they all went to looking at the light of the closet and that's how them ended up trapped in that dark place inhabited by huge dark beings and they, they were their food.
Anur Strigoyu