Hacía meses que me regalaron aquel viaje a cualquier parte, así que cogí un globo terráqueo y le giré, cerré los ojos y allí donde cayó mi dedo allí fuimos todos. Resultó ser un lugar en Inglaterra con mucha historia y muchas leyendas. El lugar era un poco lúgubre, pero a mí me encantaba. Me parecía un lugar que cargaba con mucha historia en sus aledaños y a mis amigos también les gustó el lugar. Caminando por el pueblo encontramos una tienda que nos llamó mucho la atención. Estaba como desubicada, como si llevase tanto tiempo allí que se estancó en una época y no avanzó en el tiempo como todo lo de su alrededor. En realidad, esa tienda estaba en medio de la nada, como si todos los edificios que le rodeaban ya no existiesen. Aquella tienda, era una tienda esotérica Sin pensarlo dos veces decidimos entrar, estaba llena de productos y libros. Como me gustan las historias sobre brujas compré varios libros que parecían antiguos, pero estaban nuevos. Uno era "la magia blanca y su origen, cómo usarla y cosas prohibidas de la magia", otro sobre "la historia del lugar y leyendas" y otro más sobre "historias de seres mitológicos que habían sido vistos en aquél lugar". Fui a pagar y la dependienta nos contó algunas que otras historias sobre la localidad que no aparecían en los libros ni en ningún otro sitio. Le contamos el cómo habíamos llegado allí y dijo que aquello era nuestro destino y me regaló un extraño muñeco que asustaba más que agradaba.
Volvimos a nuestro hotel y dejamos las cosas, yo saqué el muñeco
que me regaló la dependienta y lo puse encima de la cama. Fuimos a cenar a un
lugar maravilloso cerca de un río que atravesaba aquél pueblo. Hacía una
temperatura agradable y decidimos cenar fuera cerca de la orilla. Era una zona
muy silenciosa, jamás vi un pueblo tan tranquilo. Apenas veíamos gente,
pensamos que estaba un poco vacío. De vuelta al hotel, entré en mi habitación aparté
aquél muñeco tirándolo al suelo, estaba muy cansada, me metí en la cama y me quedé dormida en el momento.
A la mañana siguiente me desperté y al abrir los ojos me
sobresalté, vi el muñeco al lado mío junto a mi cara. Era nuestro último día y
quisimos dar una última vuelta por la ciudad antes de irnos de madrugada.
Durante el desayuno mi amigo, Mike, volcó sin querer un vaso lleno de café y me
cayó todo encima, así que mientras ellos esperaban yo subí a cambiarme de ropa, Mike siempre ha sido muy torpe y llevaba mucho tiempo sin hacer de las
Entré en mi habitación, cogí lo primero que vi por encima de la maleta
ya que tenía todo guardado. Entré al baño, me cambié y al salir tenía todo el
equipaje esparcido por la habitación. Intenté abrir la puerta para ver si algún
amigo me estaba haciendo una broma y estaban riéndose de mí al otro lado de
ella, pero no pude. La puerta estaba cerrada y la llave había desaparecido. Mire
alrededor y pude ver al muñeco que aquella dependienta me había dado ahora
estaba de pie encima de la cama, tenía mi llave y se movía, ¡SE MOVÍA! y cada
vez era más grande y más grande. Empecé a golpear la puerta, no pude, me acerqué a la
ventana, pero tampoco podía abrirla. Me quedé quieta mirando como aquél muñeco
se acercaba hacia mí con una cara malévola que me paralizada.
Pensaba que no era más que un muñeco que podría apalearlo, cogerlo y lanzarlo por la ventana, no por la ventana no, no podía abrirla, pero algo se me ocurriría. De repente el muñeco sacó una especie de navaja y la llave del hotel, estaba rayándola, de repente, vi el teléfono, corrí hacia él y lo descolgué, no había señal, habían cortado el cable de la línea y sabía perfectamente quien había sido.
Observé que tenía cerca alguno de aquellos libros que compré en la tienda y el más cercano era el de los hechizos de magia blanca, mientras me movía de un lugar a otro de la habitación ya que el muñeco me estaba atacando con el cuchillo continuamente, me parecía muy absurda la situación, pero estaba aterrada.
Leyendo por encima un montón de hechizos en los que no creía pude encontrar uno para la situación en la que me encontraba, “protección contra magia negra” pensé que si aquél muñeco era malo y estaba embrujado, magia blanca no iba a ser así que lo leí y miré que tenía que hacer, solamente era formular unas palabras, por lo menos no necesitaba ningún ingrediente raro como sangre de unicornio, menos mal. Empecé a leer en alto aquellas palabras “magicae nigra cum albo magicae sanat evanescunt et numquam redi plus magicae nigra cum albo magicae sanat” una y otra vez. De repente, el muñeco se detuvo a menos de un milímetro de mí y cogí mi bolso, un mechero y aquél muñeco, lo metí en la bañera le eché alcohol del botiquín y le prendí fuego. Mientras se reducía a cenizas el muñeco seguía retorciéndose y yo seguía diciendo aquellas palabras una y otra vez hasta que ya no quedaba nada de él solo ceniza. Las recogí y las eché por el inodoro, aquella pesadilla había terminado.
Pensaba que no era más que un muñeco que podría apalearlo, cogerlo y lanzarlo por la ventana, no por la ventana no, no podía abrirla, pero algo se me ocurriría. De repente el muñeco sacó una especie de navaja y la llave del hotel, estaba rayándola, de repente, vi el teléfono, corrí hacia él y lo descolgué, no había señal, habían cortado el cable de la línea y sabía perfectamente quien había sido.
Observé que tenía cerca alguno de aquellos libros que compré en la tienda y el más cercano era el de los hechizos de magia blanca, mientras me movía de un lugar a otro de la habitación ya que el muñeco me estaba atacando con el cuchillo continuamente, me parecía muy absurda la situación, pero estaba aterrada.
Leyendo por encima un montón de hechizos en los que no creía pude encontrar uno para la situación en la que me encontraba, “protección contra magia negra” pensé que si aquél muñeco era malo y estaba embrujado, magia blanca no iba a ser así que lo leí y miré que tenía que hacer, solamente era formular unas palabras, por lo menos no necesitaba ningún ingrediente raro como sangre de unicornio, menos mal. Empecé a leer en alto aquellas palabras “magicae nigra cum albo magicae sanat evanescunt et numquam redi plus magicae nigra cum albo magicae sanat” una y otra vez. De repente, el muñeco se detuvo a menos de un milímetro de mí y cogí mi bolso, un mechero y aquél muñeco, lo metí en la bañera le eché alcohol del botiquín y le prendí fuego. Mientras se reducía a cenizas el muñeco seguía retorciéndose y yo seguía diciendo aquellas palabras una y otra vez hasta que ya no quedaba nada de él solo ceniza. Las recogí y las eché por el inodoro, aquella pesadilla había terminado.
Recogí todo, abrí la ventana para que el olor a quemado se fuera
marchando, recogí la llave y salí de aquél lugar. Mis amigos al ver mi cara se
alarmaron y me preguntaron qué había pasado, se lo conté todo y decidimos irnos
en ese mismo momento de allí. Desde entonces temo a todo tipo de muñecos y regalé
todos los que tenía en casa, estoy segura que nunca más volveré a tener un
muñeco conmigo.
Months ago that my friends gave me that trip to go to anywhere, so I took the earth and I turned it, closed my eyes and I dropped my finger and where it stopped, we went all there. We went to a place in England with a long history and many legends. The place was a bit weird, but I loved it. It seemed a place loaded with history in its environment and my friends also liked the place. Walking around the village we find a store that called my attention. It was as if carrying so much time there that stalled at a time and It did not advanced as everything around it. Actually, the store was in the middle of nowhere, as if all the near buildings no longer exist. That store was a exoteric shop. Without doubt, we decided to enter, was full of books and products. As I like stories about witches I bought several books that looked old, but they were new. One of them was "white magic and its origin, how to use and forbidden things of magic", the other one was "the local history and legends" and another one was "mythological beings that had been seen in that place". I went to pay and the shop assistant told us some other stories about the place that did not appear in books or anywhere else. We told her how we had gotten there and said that it was our destiny and gave me a strange doll that frightened me more than pleased.
We returned to our hotel and we left the stuff, I took the doll that the shop assistant gave to me and put it on the bed. We went to dinner at a wonderful place near a river running through that town. It was warm and decided to eat outside near the shore. It was a very quiet, I didn't seen a so peaceful town ever. We don't watched a lot of people, thought it was low season for the foreigners. Back at the hotel, I went into my room and I pushed the doll to the floor, I was so tired, so I went to bed and fell asleep at the time.
The next morning, I woke up and when I opened my eyes I was startled, I saw the doll near to my face. It was our last day and we wanted to give one last round around the city before we leave early in the morning. During breakfast my friend, Mike, inadvertently flipped a glass of coffee and fell all over me, so while they waited I went to change me the clothes, my friend Mike has always been very clumsy.
I went into my room, grabbed the first thing I saw over the suitcase as it had everything tidy. I went to the bathroom and I changed the clothes and when I was back the luggage was scattered around the room. I tried to open the door to see if my friends were teasing me and if they were laughing at me on the other side of it, but I couldn't open it. The door was locked and the key was missing. I look around and saw the doll, that the shop assistant had given me, was now standing on the bed, it had my key and it move, IT'S MOVING! and each time it was bigger and bigger. I started banging on the door, but anyone can heard me. So, I went to the window, but I could not open it. I stood still looking like this doll was coming at me with a mischievous face, I was paralyzed.
I thought that was just a doll that could beat up it, grab it and throw it out the window, the window not, I couldn't open it, but something would occur to me. Suddenly, the doll pulled a knife and it was scratching the hotel key, then, I saw the phone, I ran to it and I picked it up, but there was no sign, someone had cut the cable line and I knew exactly who it was. Then, I noticed that I was near of one of those books that I bought at the store and I had that one of white magic spells, as I moved from one place to another in the room because the doll was attacking me with the knife, I seemed an absurd situation, but I was terrified.
I was reading above some spells and I found one for that situation, "protection from black magic" I thought if that doll was bad and it was haunted, It wasn't under spell by white magic, so I read it and I looked what I had to do, I only had to formulated a few words, at least I didn't need any ingredients weird as unicorn blood, luckily. I began to read aloud the words "magicae nigra magicae sanat evanescunt cum albo et numquam redi cum albo nigra magicae plus magicae sanat" over and over again. Then, the doll was stopped less than an inch of me and I grabbed my bag, a lighter and the doll, I put it in the bath, I poured alcohol from the first aid kit and I set it on fire. While all was reduced to ashes the doll was squirming and I kept saying those words over and over again until there was nothing left of it only ashes. I picked them up and threw them down the toilet, that nightmare was over.
I picked up everything, I opened the window to let the smoke got out and I took out the key and left that place. My friends just looked at my face became alarmed and they asked me what had happened, I told him everything and we decided to leave that place right then. Since then I fear all kinds of dolls and I have gifted all of them that I had at home, I'm sure I will not have a doll with me, nevermore.
We returned to our hotel and we left the stuff, I took the doll that the shop assistant gave to me and put it on the bed. We went to dinner at a wonderful place near a river running through that town. It was warm and decided to eat outside near the shore. It was a very quiet, I didn't seen a so peaceful town ever. We don't watched a lot of people, thought it was low season for the foreigners. Back at the hotel, I went into my room and I pushed the doll to the floor, I was so tired, so I went to bed and fell asleep at the time.
The next morning, I woke up and when I opened my eyes I was startled, I saw the doll near to my face. It was our last day and we wanted to give one last round around the city before we leave early in the morning. During breakfast my friend, Mike, inadvertently flipped a glass of coffee and fell all over me, so while they waited I went to change me the clothes, my friend Mike has always been very clumsy.
I went into my room, grabbed the first thing I saw over the suitcase as it had everything tidy. I went to the bathroom and I changed the clothes and when I was back the luggage was scattered around the room. I tried to open the door to see if my friends were teasing me and if they were laughing at me on the other side of it, but I couldn't open it. The door was locked and the key was missing. I look around and saw the doll, that the shop assistant had given me, was now standing on the bed, it had my key and it move, IT'S MOVING! and each time it was bigger and bigger. I started banging on the door, but anyone can heard me. So, I went to the window, but I could not open it. I stood still looking like this doll was coming at me with a mischievous face, I was paralyzed.
I thought that was just a doll that could beat up it, grab it and throw it out the window, the window not, I couldn't open it, but something would occur to me. Suddenly, the doll pulled a knife and it was scratching the hotel key, then, I saw the phone, I ran to it and I picked it up, but there was no sign, someone had cut the cable line and I knew exactly who it was. Then, I noticed that I was near of one of those books that I bought at the store and I had that one of white magic spells, as I moved from one place to another in the room because the doll was attacking me with the knife, I seemed an absurd situation, but I was terrified.
I was reading above some spells and I found one for that situation, "protection from black magic" I thought if that doll was bad and it was haunted, It wasn't under spell by white magic, so I read it and I looked what I had to do, I only had to formulated a few words, at least I didn't need any ingredients weird as unicorn blood, luckily. I began to read aloud the words "magicae nigra magicae sanat evanescunt cum albo et numquam redi cum albo nigra magicae plus magicae sanat" over and over again. Then, the doll was stopped less than an inch of me and I grabbed my bag, a lighter and the doll, I put it in the bath, I poured alcohol from the first aid kit and I set it on fire. While all was reduced to ashes the doll was squirming and I kept saying those words over and over again until there was nothing left of it only ashes. I picked them up and threw them down the toilet, that nightmare was over.
I picked up everything, I opened the window to let the smoke got out and I took out the key and left that place. My friends just looked at my face became alarmed and they asked me what had happened, I told him everything and we decided to leave that place right then. Since then I fear all kinds of dolls and I have gifted all of them that I had at home, I'm sure I will not have a doll with me, nevermore.
Anur Strigoyu
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