Fueron de vacaciones desconociendo su
destino, estaban ya cansados de conducir y decidieron parar a acampar en un
tranquilo bosque, les gustaba la aventura y la naturaleza. Una vez montadas las
tiendas de campaña decidieron ir a recoger algunas ramas para hacer un pequeño fuego
para calentar algo de comida.
John, Amanda y Karl eran amigos desde
hace mucho tiempo y Karl no era de los que dormían de noche así que salió de su tienda
de campaña y salió a dar una vuelta por el bosque. Al rato, llegó a una
explanada donde se situaba un lago. Un enorme lago y en medio de éste una roca,
una gran roca que parecía una isleta en medio del lago. Karl empezó a rodear el
lago para continuar su aventura nocturna por el bosque, pero empezó a escuchar
voces. Venían de todas partes y era siempre la misma voz, se encontró dando
vueltas y empezó a marearse así que se sentó y miró al centro del lago. Había
una figura, era brillante, parecía una mujer, una mujer de pie como danzando de
un lado a otro en medio de aquella roca en medio del lago. Karl se levantó y
salió corriendo de allí.
Despertó a John y Amanda y les contó
todo lo que había visto, John estaba enfadado porque le había despertado y
Amanda ni salió de su tienda, se quedó en la puerta intentado escuchar a Karl
sin quedarse dormida, estaba agotada. John le dijo que le acompañaría hasta
allí y que si no había nada no le volviera a molestar en toda la noche o lo
lamentaría, mientras Amanda se quedó durmiendo estos cogieron linternas y se
adentraron en el bosque.
John y Karl pasaron por donde había
pasado anteriormente Karl, pero por más que andaban y andaban no encontraban
aquella explanada ni el lago ni la roca ni nada. Karl no paraba de decir que
era real que estaba allí, John muy enfadado dejó a Karl allí en medio de la
nada y volvió a su tienda a seguir durmiendo ya que al día siguiente le tocaba
a él conducir.
Karl se sentía como un incomprendido
porque sus amigos no le creían y decidió seguir adelante buscando aquel lago
que había visto, atravesó unos árboles y allí estaba el lago, era exactamente
como lo había visto anteriormente, volvió a escuchar aquellas voces que le
marearon antes. Esta vez se mantuvo de pie y miró al centro de la roca, allí
estaba aquella mujer una vez más, intentó acercarse a verla, pero estaba el
lago y no había ninguna manera sin meterse en el agua de llegar a la roca.
Después, la mujer se tiró al agua y
Karl anonadado se quedó mirando como nadaba, como brillaba el agua con el
brillo que emitía la dama. Hipnotizado se tiró también al agua, nadó con ella
hasta que la alcanzó y ésta desapareció. Karl estaba acorralado, había
sanguijuelas y le estaban mordiendo por todo el cuerpo, quiso salir del agua, pero
no pudo, estaba atrapado. Mientras escuchaba a la mujer del lago reír y reír.
Karl desesperado gritó y gritó con toda su alma, pero John y Amanda estaban muy
lejos. Quedó atrapado en el lago para siempre con la dama y todos los demás que
cayeron en su trampa.
They were traveling ignoring their holiday destination, they were tired of driving and they decided to stop and camping in a quiet forest, liked the adventure and nature.
Once assembled the tents they decided to pick up some branches to make a small fire to heat some food.
John, Amanda and Karl were friends for a long time and Karl can't at the night so he left his tent and went for a walk in the woods. After a while, he came to a esplanade where stood a lake. A huge lake and in the middle of it there was a rock, a big rock that looked like a small island on the lake. Karl started to walk around the lake to continue his nocturnal adventure in the woods, but he began to hear some voices. They came from everywhere and was always the same voice, was found wandering around and began to feel dizzy so he sat and he stared at the center of the lake. There was a figure, it was brilliant, like a woman, a woman standing and dancing from side to side in the middle of that rock that was in the middle of the lake. Karl got up and ran out of there.
He woke John and Amanda up and told them what he had seen, John was angry because he had awakened and Amanda didn't left his tent, she stood at the door tried to listen to Karl without falling asleep, She was exhausted. John said he would accompany him there and that if there was nothing not to bother him again overnight or regret it, while Amanda was sleeping, they caught the flashlights and they went into the forest.
John and Karl went through where Karl had went before, but they just walked and walked and they did not find that esplanade neither the lake, neither the rock, neither anything. Karl kept saying it was real and that it was there, John angry left Karl there in the middle of nowhere and he went back to his tent to sleep because the next day he was to continue driving.
Karl felt misunderstood because his friends did not believe him and he decided to continue looking for that lake he had seen. He went through some trees and there was the lake, it was exactly as he had seen before, he heard voices telling those seasick him before. This time stood up and looked to the center of the rock, there was that woman again, he tried to approach her, but it was the lake there and there was no way without getting into the water to reach the rock.
Then, the woman jumped into the water and Karl stared dumbfounded watching her as she was swimming, and how as the water shone with the brilliance that emitted the lady. Mesmerized, he also jumped into the water, swam with her until he reached her and disappeared. Karl was realized that he was cornered, there were leeches and they were biting him all over his body, he wanted out of the water, but he could not, he was trapped. While he listened to the woman of the lake laugh and laugh. Karl screamed and screamed desperate with all his soul, but John and Amanda were far. He was caught in the lake forever with the lady and all the others who fell into their trap.
Then, the woman jumped into the water and Karl stared dumbfounded watching her as she was swimming, and how as the water shone with the brilliance that emitted the lady. Mesmerized, he also jumped into the water, swam with her until he reached her and disappeared. Karl was realized that he was cornered, there were leeches and they were biting him all over his body, he wanted out of the water, but he could not, he was trapped. While he listened to the woman of the lake laugh and laugh. Karl screamed and screamed desperate with all his soul, but John and Amanda were far. He was caught in the lake forever with the lady and all the others who fell into their trap.
Anur Strigoyu
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