Ahora, está solo y está
seguro de que nadie se está preocupando en si estará bien o si necesitará
alguna cosa, incluso en si aún sigue con vida. Lo perdió todo de la noche a la
mañana, pero todo empezó cuando se compró
aquella casa.
Anthony era escritor y su
último libro se convirtió en un best-seller llevado a la televisión, de
repente, obtuvo una gran cantidad de dinero y pudo cumplir varios sueños, entre
ellos tener una mansión dónde poder celebrar fiestas con sus amigos, piscina,
pista de tenis y todo tipo de lujos que te puedas imaginar, todo ello alejado
de la ciudad ya que adoraba el aire libre.
Encontró la perfecta, le
llamó desde que entró y decidió quedársela sin mirar ninguna más. Era una
mansión muy oscura, llena de enredaderas por fuera y la pintura desgastada,
pero a Anthony le encantaba y quería esa casa. Se dejó casi todo su dinero en restaurarla con sus amigos, la pintaron,
le quitaron las enredaderas dejando las justas para que hicieran de decoración,
restauraron la piscina y las pistas de tenis y baloncesto.
Aquella casa tenía muchos
años y nadie había vivido en ella desde que los últimos inquilinos fallecieran
misteriosamente en su interior. Anthony no creía en fantasmas ni en ninguna de
esas historias y decía que murieron de mayores que no había más misterio, pero
a sus amigos les fascinaba las historias de misterio y siempre estaban por allí
preguntando si había notado algo extraño.
Durante los primeros meses sus amigos iban muy a menudo a visitar a Anthony, pero cuando sus amigos
se iban, Anthony se veía totalmente solo en aquella gran mansión. Una noche
empezó a escuchar unos sonidos en la cocina, se acercó y vio que allí no había
nada y volvió al salón a ese sofá que ya estaba allí cuando se hizo con la casa. Alguien dijo “Anthony” y
éste se sobresaltó y pensó que seguramente alguno de sus amigos se había
quedado allí para asustarle o eso pensaba él. Se levantó volvió a la cocina y
escuchó un portazo a su espalda, era el sótano. Entró a todo correr y vio de
rabillo del ojo como alguien se escondía detrás de unas cajas. Se acercó hasta
allí y no había nadie, miró por todas partes y nada. Pensó que era su imaginación.
Al día siguiente, volvieron
sus amigos, era Halloween, y decidieron entre todos celebrar allí una fiesta a
lo grande ya que era el único que tenía el espacio suficiente para ello. La
noche empezó fantástica y era una gran
fiesta. Pero en un momento, se apagó la luz, todos pensaron que era cosa de
Anthony para crear ambiente. Anthony fue hasta los fusibles y volvió a dar la
luz, todo volvió a la normalidad hasta que volvió a pasar, pero esta vez había
unas risas que se oían por toda la casa, la gente empezó a cansarse un poco de
la broma, pero Anthony juraba y perjuraba que no era él.
Volvió la luz al rato y todo
volvió a la normalidad como si nada hubiese pasado, pero la luz volvió
a irse, entonces, se escuchó un grito que procedía del piso de arriba, subieron
a todo correr y vieron a una de las invitadas congelada diciendo que había
visto una sombra con ojos rojos que iba en dirección hacia a ella y que
desapareció en cuanto gritó. Cuando estaban todos arriba se oyó un gruñido y un
gran estruendo abajo, bajaron y vieron todos los muebles tirados y los abrigos de
los invitados en el centro de la estancia. Todos se enfadaron con Anthony
porque pensaron que era una broma pesada y así fue como todos se fueron disgustados, ellos
que fueron los primeros en creer fantasmas no eran capaces de creer a su amigo.
Pasó el tiempo y nadie más fue a visitarle, intentó pedirles perdón, pero nadie quiso escucharle ni saber nada más de él. No supo
cómo pudo pasar todo aquello y se quedó solo durante el resto de su vida en aquella
gran mansión, sentado en aquél sofá mirando a la nada mientras escuchaba el
sonido del reloj marcando las 12 de la noche.
He was a grown man who lived alone in his huge mansion, the watch he inherited from his great grandfather was ticking 12 at night. The sound that emitted that clock boomed throughout the building, breaking the silence that was always be there. Anthony was a lonely man, but he did not know how it came to that situation before when He was young He had a lot of friends and a big family and every day they enjoyed several experiences that filled him with happiness.
Now, he is alone and He is sure that no one is worrying in itself if he is good or if he need something, even if he are still alive. He lost everything from one day to another, but all started when he bought that house.
Anthony was a writer and his latest book became a bestseller led to television, suddenly, He earn got a lot of money and he could fulfill several dreams, including having a mansion where he can celebrate parties with his friends, swimming pool, tennis court and every luxury imaginable, all out of town, he loved the outdoors.
He found the perfect one, It called him since he came and decided keep it without looking more mansions. It was a very dark mansion, full of creepers and deteriorating paint in the outside, but Anthony loved it and he wanted that house. He left most of his money in restoring it with friends, painted, removed the creepers leaving just some to make decoration. He restored the pool, tennis court and basketball court.
That house had many years and no one had lived in it since the last tenants passed away mysteriously inside. Anthony did not believe in ghosts or any of those stories and He said that they died of older and that there isn't more mystery, but his friends were fascinated by the story of ghosts and they were always asking him if he feels something inside the house.
During the first months, his friends often went to visit Anthony, but when his friends went, Anthony looked totally alone in that huge mansion. One night, he began to hear sounds in the kitchen, came over and saw around that there was nothing and returned to the living room, to that sofa that was already there. Someone said "Anthony" and he jumped and thought that surely some of his friends had gone there to scare or that was the thing that he wanted to think. He got back to the kitchen and heard a door slam behind him, was the basement. He went at full speed and with the corner of his eye saw as someone was hiding behind some boxes. He went up there and there was no one, looked everywhere and nothing. He thought it was his imagination.
The next day, his friends were back again, it was Halloween, and they decided by all to celebrate a big party and the mansion was the only one with enough space for it. The night started great and was a great party. But in a moment, the light went out, everyone thought it was Anthony to create atmosphere. Anthony went to where the fuses and he fixed it. Everything went back to normal until it happened again, but this time there was a laugh that could be heard throughout the house, people began to be tired of the little joke, but Anthony swore it was not him.
The light was back to be turned on and everything returned to normal as if nothing happened. After a while, the light turned off one more time, then they heard a scream coming from the upstairs, they went running fast and they saw one of the guests frozen saying that she had seen a shadow with red eyes that was headed toward her and when she shouted that shadow disappeared. When they were all upstairs, they heard a grunt and a loud bang downstairs,They went downstairs fast and they saw all the furniture and all the guests's coats in the center of the room. All were angry with Anthony because they thought it was a joke and that's how everyone left, they were the first to believe ghosts and they were not able to believe his friend.
Time passed and no one came to visit him, he tried to apologize, but nobody wanted to know anything else about him. He did not know how it happened everything and he stayed alone for the resto of his life in that big mansion, sitting in that sofa, looking to the nothing while he is listening the sounds of that clock ticking 12 at night.
Anur Strigoyu
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